Quick Check – HITIQ Smart Mouthguard

“What gets measured gets managed”

This week’s Quick Check is bringing head safety to you Rugby and (American) Football players! Unarguably, the risks associated with head injuries in these contact sports remain a huge topic and concern. HITIQ is an Australian company offering a solution to this problem: retrieve and understand the data behind every impact. The Smart Mouthguard. How exactly does it work?
The Nexus A9 sensor records individual head impacts, which are uploaded to the Nexus Portal. This information will help you determine trends and develop strategies. HITIQs software delivers a platform for measuring and managing head impact exposures. The Portal allows users to accurately quantify exposures across individual players, positions, periods and drills. Identify positions, players, or training drills prone to high-frequency head impacts and factor these into training timelines to ensure players are at their freshest by game day.
Most importantly, HITIQ aims to reduce danger where possible and enhance player safety. “Let your real-world decisions be guided by data you can trust.”

Tune in to find out more about HITIQ and all of our thoughts on their Smart Mouthguard. The Hello SportsTech team, as usual, helping you learn more about products from the world of sports and technology.

#Sports #Tech #ImpactReduction

Learn more about HITIQ: https://hitiq.com/

For all the details on their Mouthguard: https://hitiq.com/product

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